
Philippines dipterocarps paper featured.

Last quarter, we published a paper ‘Effects of climate change and land cover on the distributions of a critical tree family in the Philippines’ in the journal Scientific Reports. Our study was featured in two national broadsheet newspapers, by the Straits Times in Singapore and the the Philippine Daily Inquirer in the Philippines, both of which I am pleased to share in this post. First, here’s the link to the online article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Ms Jhesset Enano.

Effects of climate change and land cover on the distributions of a critical tree family in the Philippines

In this paper, we modelled species distributions of dipterocarps in the Philippines, an important tree family that are key to maintaining structure and function of tropical forests in Southeast Asia, to understand potential impacts of deforestation and climate change on their current and future distributions.

Repos on GitHub.

I have been sharing the coding materials and resources related to my research on my GitHub page but I have not had the chance to blog about these here at all, even briefly. And so, let me make this short introduction on my activities on GitHub, which does seem to show (and share) more of my research activity than in this blog. It’s just been about time too that I updated the ‘mugshot’ on my GitHub page, which used to show an old (younger) photo of me, and now, more appropriately, shows a recent photo of me taken during the wedding of a dear colleague.